Taking into account the outlined high level objectives, the DYNAFREIGHT project has the following
technical objectives:
1) To specify, design and develop new concepts to be applied on future freight locomotive bogies (a three axle bogie is taken as reference although developed concepts may also be applicable for two axle bogie):
• Identification and evaluation of lighter materials to be used in a freight environment for bogie components.
• To study and develop noise concepts to reduce the overall noise level caused by freight running gear.
• To analyse passive steering and active mechatronic systems for improved curve negotiation, which will improve running performances compared to conventional freight bogies.
• To monitor the most maintenance-costly bogie elements, in order to reduce LCC by smarter maintenance policies and selection of more cost-effective components.
2) To prepare the path for regular operations of long freight trains (up to 1,500m), following the outcomes of MARATHON EU project. Specifically, the objectives of this area are:
• To define and implement functional, technical and homologation requirements for a radio remote controlled traction and braking system, in order to be ready for certification;
• To propose safety precautions in train configuration and brake application by analysing and simulating the longitudinal forces and the derailment risk of long freight trains;
• To identify adaptions needed in the infrastructure for the operation of long freight trains up to 1,500m, which will be operated as double trains.
• To propose safety precautions in train configuration and brake application by analysing and simulating the longitudinal forces and the derailment risk of long freight trains;
• To identify adaptions needed in the infrastructure for the operation of long freight trains up to 1,500m, which will be operated as double trains.