WP Description

WP1 – Project Management and Technical Coordination

This work package takes care of the coordination of the project and overall administrative and financial management activities.

WP2 – Next Generation of Freight Locomotive’s Bogie

The main objective of this WP is to specify, design and develop the necessary concepts that will allow a locomotive freight bogie to reduce wheel and track wear (being more track friendly) and to have lower noise and lower LCC.

WP3 – Technical solution for regular operation of 1,500 m long freight trains

Based on deliverables from the FP7 Marathon project, this work package aims to close open technical points. The main objectives of the present WP are:
• To define functional and technical requirements of radio controlled traction and braking
• To propose safety precautions in train configuration and brake application
• To identify adaptions needed in the infrastructure for long-train operation.

WP4 – Dissemination, Exploitation and interaction with Shift2Rail

This WP will ensure proper dissemination and promotion of the project and its results, in a way which is consistent with the wider dissemination and promotion activities of Shift2Rail. It will also ensure that all important actors in the European railway sector are informed about DYNAFREIGHT, its objectives, content and results. It will also facilitate acceptance of the project outcomes by the standards and regulatory bodies as well as by the main actors of the EU rail sector.

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